Sunday, February 27, 2011

When Rainbow Spaghetti Noodles Attack!

Previously on Life drawing one ... Andrew our oddball artist only trying to find his place in this Artsy Fartsy world finds himself pleasantly surprised as he wanders into class late Thursday afternoon to discover that Tuesdays class had been canceled and a short class planned for the day.  But with only an hour of learning to be had our artist hero finds himself lost and confused as the pelvic bone is dropped upon his head.  Will our hero ever figure out this puzzling and mysterious bone? Will the now ever go away? does anyone really know who shot JFK? Tune in next week to watch the conclusion of this gripping adventure!!!

So last week everyone was talking about how difficult the pelvis was and how confusing it was considering how little time we got to figure it out.  I was very happy that this week Amy took some time to go over the basics again.  I tried much harder this time around to pay attention more closely.  like where the pelvic points are on the front of the body, what the shape of the bone looks like in different positions (kinda like butterfly wings) andthe proportions of the pelvis in realtion to the rib cage.  Amy had shown me that basically the rib cage and the pelvis can both be contained in equally sized squares.

Some of my drawings from the week.

I'm kinda gettin the hang of things but i know that i don't have it down quite yet.  I still find my self working on the rib cage as the timer goes off.

One other new things we got to do this week was try and hour long drawing.  This kinda scared me a bit thinking about drawing that long.  I felt like there wasn't that much to draw and i did get stuck a few times.  I don't think I have an in depth enough knowledge of all the muscles to be able to see them all on the model but this was my best try. As you can see I got bored and drew a foot and another knee.

I think some goals of mine for next week and hopefully the rest of the semester is to pay more attention to my clay muscles as i build them so that I can use that information more while I am drawing.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Greek Peppers

Well this week was really short we didn't have class on Tuesday and Thursday only lasted about an hour or so.  I guess i had mixed feelings about it I definitely liked having extra time to work on other projects (and i did actually use the time wisely) but I really don't feeling comfortable with the class yet and feel like i could use all the practice i can get at this point.  I have been giving more of my time these days to my Industrial Design Class and really need to step it up.

In the small amount of time we did have class Amy Introduced to us the pelvis and how it fits in with the spine and ribcage that we have already learned and have been drawing.  I'm not sure i quite sure I have the pelvis down yet.

We were assigned muscles as well to work on over the weekend.  Quadriceps - Vastus Intermedius, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Lateralis, Rectus Moris.  These are bigger than the muscles that we have done so far so well see how they go.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


So this week we got to learn some more muscle adding to the previous ones.  So far we have gone over the Spinal erectors (Spinalis cervicis, Spinalis capitas, Spinalis thoracis,Longissimus capitas, longissimus carvicis, longissimus thoracis) the abdominals (qudratus lumborum, External obliques, rectus abs) and the glutes + Hips (Gluteus medius, tensor fasciar, gluteus maximux).  WHEW!!! I’m sure that was as much for you as it was for me.  I’ve always kind of understood how muscles worked and why they were placed where they were but I never knew how intricate they could be.  There are so many, and each with such a specific purpose.  I only wish I could remember all these names so I could whip em out and impress everyone.  

         Actually building the muscles has been a real challenge as well.  The book we got is pretty interesting but so hard to read sometimes.  They only show one muscle at a time and so it’s rather difficult to guess how different muscles interact and which ones will be on top or bottom, but Amy has thankfully been able to clear up some of those issues.
The muscles I have completed so far.
           Aside from our muscles we have started to draw the midline of our models as well as find and draw where the rib cage is during our gesture drawing portion of class.  Becoming familiar with where these two things are and getting in the habit of doing these two things first help us become better and faster drawers.  The reason these two lines are so important is that they are main references that we can start to build other parts of the body off of.  We were taught that the rib cage has an egg shape (mine always seem to turn out too long) but they are getting better!